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Publications by Lusine Yeghiazaryan


  • Stemler J., Yeghiazaryan L., Stephan C., Mohn K.G.-I., Carcas-Sansuan A.-J., Rodriguez E.R., Moltó J., Mitxeltorena I.V., Welte T., Zablockienė B., Akova M., Bethe U., Heringer S., Salmanton-García J., Jeck J., Tischmann L., Zarrouk M., Cüppers A., Biehl L.M., Grothe J., Mellinghoff S.C., Nacov J.A., Neuhann J.M., Sprute R., Frías-Iniesta J., Negi R., Gaillard C., Saini G., León A.G., Mallon P.W.G., Lammens C., Hotterbeekx A., Loens K., Malhotra-Kumar S., Goossens H., Kumar-Singh S., König F., Posch M., Koehler P., Cornely O.A.
    Immunogenicity, Reactogenicity and Safety of a Second Booster with BNT162b2 or Full-Dose mRNA-1273: A Randomised VACCELERATE Trial in Adults ≥75 Years (EU-COVAT-1-AGED Part B).
    International Journal of Infectious Diseases 146:107161, (2024) [bib]
      author = {Stemler, J.~ and Yeghiazaryan, L.~ and Stephan, C.~ and Mohn, K.G.-I.~ and Carcas-Sansuan, A.-J.~ and Rodriguez, E.R.~ and Moltó, J.~ and Mitxeltorena, I.V.~ and Welte, T.~ and Zablockienė, B.~ and Akova, M.~ and Bethe, U.~ and Heringer, S.~ and Salmanton-García, J.~ and Jeck, J.~ and Tischmann, L.~ and Zarrouk, M.~ and C{\"u}ppers, A.~ and Biehl, L.M.~ and Grothe, J.~ and Mellinghoff, S.C.~ and Nacov, J.A.~ and Neuhann, J.M.~ and Sprute, R.~ and Frías-Iniesta, J.~ and Negi, R.~ and Gaillard, C.~ and Saini, G.~ and León, A.G.~ and Mallon, P.W.G.~ and Lammens, C.~ and Hotterbeekx, A.~ and Loens, K.~ and Malhotra-Kumar, S.~ and Goossens, H.~ and Kumar-Singh, S.~ and K{\"o}nig, F.~ and Posch, M.~ and Koehler, P.~ and Cornely, O.A.~},
      title = {Immunogenicity, Reactogenicity and Safety of a Second Booster with BNT162b2 or Full-Dose mRNA-1273: A Randomised VACCELERATE Trial in Adults ≥75 Years (EU-COVAT-1-AGED Part B).},
      journal = {International Journal of Infectious Diseases},
      year = {2024},
      volume = {146},
      pages = {107161},
      issn = {1878-3511 1201-9712},
      doi = {10.1016/j.ijid.2024.107161},
      keywords = {SARS-CoV-2;advanced age;anti-RBD IgG;booster vaccination;fourth dose;immunosenescence;neutralising antibodies;variants of concern}
  • Vonbank K., Nics H., Zwick R.H., Maasz J., Sabic B., Potzmann M., Brandhofer G., Fuchs J., Yeghiazaryan L., Burtscher M., Paternostro-Sluga T.
    Decreased Phrenic Nerve Compound Muscle Action Potential, Inspiratory Muscle Strength, and Exercise Capacity after COVID-19.
    Frontiers in Neurology 14:1308443, (2024) [bib]
      author = {Vonbank, K.~ and Nics, H.~ and Zwick, R.H.~ and Maasz, J.~ and Sabic, B.~ and Potzmann, M.~ and Brandhofer, G.~ and Fuchs, J.~ and Yeghiazaryan, L.~ and Burtscher, M.~ and Paternostro-Sluga, T.~},
      title = {Decreased Phrenic Nerve Compound Muscle Action Potential, Inspiratory Muscle Strength, and Exercise Capacity after COVID-19.},
      journal = {Frontiers in Neurology},
      year = {2024},
      volume = {14},
      pages = {1308443},
      issn = {1664-2295},
      doi = {10.3389/fneur.2023.1308443},
      keywords = {COVID-19 infection;exercise capacity;inspiratory muscle weakness;maximum inspiratory pressure;phrenic nerve}


  • Neuhann J.M., Stemler J., Carcas A.J., Frías-Iniesta J., Akova M., Bethe U., Heringer S., Salmanton-García J., Tischmann L., Zarrouk M., Cüppers A., Grothe J., Leon A.G., Mallon P., Negi R., Gaillard C., Saini G., Lammens C., Hotterbeekx A., Loens K., Malhotra-Kumar S., Goossens H., Kumar-Singh S., König F., Yeghiazaryan L., Posch M., Koehler P., Cornely O.A.
    Immunogenicity and Reactogenicity of a First Booster with BNT162b2 or Full-Dose mRNA-1273: A Randomised VACCELERATE Trial in Adults ≥75 Years (EU-COVAT-1).
    Vaccine 41(48), 7166–7175, (2023) [bib]
      author = {Neuhann, J.M.~ and Stemler, J.~ and Carcas, A.J.~ and Frías-Iniesta, J.~ and Akova, M.~ and Bethe, U.~ and Heringer, S.~ and Salmanton-García, J.~ and Tischmann, L.~ and Zarrouk, M.~ and C{\"u}ppers, A.~ and Grothe, J.~ and Leon, A.G.~ and Mallon, P.~ and Negi, R.~ and Gaillard, C.~ and Saini, G.~ and Lammens, C.~ and Hotterbeekx, A.~ and Loens, K.~ and Malhotra-Kumar, S.~ and Goossens, H.~ and Kumar-Singh, S.~ and K{\"o}nig, F.~ and Yeghiazaryan, L.~ and Posch, M.~ and Koehler, P.~ and Cornely, O.A.~},
      title = {Immunogenicity and Reactogenicity of a First Booster with BNT162b2 or Full-Dose mRNA-1273: A Randomised VACCELERATE Trial in Adults ≥75 Years (EU-COVAT-1).},
      journal = {Vaccine},
      year = {2023},
      volume = {41},
      number = {48},
      pages = {7166--7175},
      issn = {1873-2518 0264-410X},
      doi = {10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.10.029},
      keywords = {Adult;Humans;Aged;RNA;Messenger;SARS-CoV-2;Advanced age;Variants of concern;Antibodies;Viral;Immunoglobulin G;*2019-nCoV Vaccine mRNA-1273;*BNT162 Vaccine;Anti-RBD IgG;Antibodies;Neutralizing;COVID-19 Vaccines/adverse effects;Immunogenicity;Vaccine;Neutralising antibodies;Third dose}
  • Koch M., Dvorak A., Hobersdorfer M., Yeghiazaryan L., Rabl U., Komorowski A.
    The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Psychosocial Rehabilitation of Forensic Psychiatric Patients in Austria.
    International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 88:101889, (2023) [bib]
      author = {Koch, M.~ and Dvorak, A.~ and Hobersdorfer, M.~ and Yeghiazaryan, L.~ and Rabl, U.~ and Komorowski, A.~},
      title = {The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Psychosocial Rehabilitation of Forensic Psychiatric Patients in Austria.},
      journal = {International Journal of Law and Psychiatry},
      year = {2023},
      volume = {88},
      pages = {101889},
      issn = {0160-2527},
      doi = {10.1016/j.ijlp.2023.101889}
  • Koch M., Dvorak A., Hobersdorfer M., Yeghiazaryan L., Rabl U., Komorowski A.
    The Impact of COVID-19 on Forensic Rehabilitation in Austria.
    European Psychiatry 66(Suppl 1: Abstracts of the 31st European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA 2023), Paris, France, 25–28 March 2023), S206, (2023) [bib]
      author = {Koch, M.~ and Dvorak, A.~ and Hobersdorfer, M.~ and Yeghiazaryan, L.~ and Rabl, U.~ and Komorowski, A.~},
      title = {The Impact of COVID-19 on Forensic Rehabilitation in Austria.},
      journal = {European Psychiatry},
      year = {2023},
      volume = {66},
      number = {Suppl 1: Abstracts of the 31st European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA 2023), Paris, France, 25–28 March 2023},
      pages = {S206},
      issn = {0924-9338},
      doi = {10.1192/j.eurpsy.2023.485},
      url = {}
  • Sigmund I.K., Yeghiazaryan L., Luger M., Windhager R., Sulzbacher I., McNally M.A.
    Three to Six Tissue Specimens for Histopathological Analysis Are Most Accurate for Diagnosing Periprosthetic Joint Infection.
    Bone & Joint Journal 105-B(2), 158–165, (2023) [bib]
      author = {Sigmund, I.K.~ and Yeghiazaryan, L.~ and Luger, M.~ and Windhager, R.~ and Sulzbacher, I.~ and McNally, M.A.~},
      title = {Three to Six Tissue Specimens for Histopathological Analysis Are Most Accurate for Diagnosing Periprosthetic Joint Infection.},
      journal = {Bone \& Joint Journal},
      year = {2023},
      volume = {105-B},
      number = {2},
      pages = {158--165},
      issn = {2049-4408 2049-4394},
      doi = {10.1302/0301-620X.105B2.BJJ-2022-0859.R1},
      keywords = {Humans;Retrospective Studies;Consensus;Periprosthetic joint infection;Diagnosis;Histology;*Arthritis;Infectious;*Arthroplasty;Replacement;Knee/adverse effects;*Prosthesis-Related Infections/diagnosis;diagnostic study;Histopathological analysis;Infectious Diseases;Joint Infection;logistic regression model;Other infections;Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI);revision arthroplasty;revision surgery;Revision total hip arthroplasty;Revision total joint arthroplasty;Revision total knee arthroplasty;total hip or knee arthroplasty}


  • Kalic T., Kuehn A., Aumayr M., Bartra J., Bindslev-Jensen C., Codreanu-Morel F., Domínguez O., Forstenlechner P., Hemmer W., Kamath S.D., Leung A., Leung N., Lifanov Y., Mortz C.G., Pascal M., Ristl R., Sørensen M., Üzülmez Ö., Yeghiazaryan L., Wong G., Hafner C., Breiteneder H.
    Identification of Potentially Tolerated Fish Species by Multiplex IgE Testing of a Multinational Fish-Allergic Patient Cohort.
    Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice 10(12), 3284–3292, (2022) [bib]
      author = {Kalic, T.~ and Kuehn, A.~ and Aumayr, M.~ and Bartra, J.~ and Bindslev-Jensen, C.~ and Codreanu-Morel, F.~ and Domínguez, O.~ and Forstenlechner, P.~ and Hemmer, W.~ and Kamath, S.D.~ and Leung, A.~ and Leung, N.~ and Lifanov, Y.~ and Mortz, C.G.~ and Pascal, M.~ and Ristl, R.~ and Sørensen, M.~ and {\"U}z{\"u}lmez, {\"O}.~ and Yeghiazaryan, L.~ and Wong, G.~ and Hafner, C.~ and Breiteneder, H.~},
      title = {Identification of Potentially Tolerated Fish Species by Multiplex IgE Testing of a Multinational Fish-Allergic Patient Cohort.},
      journal = {Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice},
      year = {2022},
      volume = {10},
      number = {12},
      pages = {3284--3292},
      issn = {2213-2201},
      doi = {10.1016/j.jaip.2022.08.019},
      keywords = {Animals;Humans;IgE;Food allergy;*Allergens;*Food Hypersensitivity/diagnosis;Fish allergy;Fish extracts;Fish tolerance;Fishes;Immunoglobulin E;Multiplex allergy diagnosis;Parvalbumin;Parvalbumins;Patient management}
  • Müller K., Lengheimer T., Kral-Pointner J.B., Wojta J., Yeghiazaryan L., Krall C., Palme R., Kleindorfer S., Plasenzotti R., Pollak D.D., Tillmann K.E.
    Exposure to Soiled Bedding Reduces Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors in Mice.
    Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 16:1062864, (2022) [bib]
      author = {M{\"u}ller, K.~ and Lengheimer, T.~ and Kral-Pointner, J.B.~ and Wojta, J.~ and Yeghiazaryan, L.~ and Krall, C.~ and Palme, R.~ and Kleindorfer, S.~ and Plasenzotti, R.~ and Pollak, D.D.~ and Tillmann, K.E.~},
      title = {Exposure to Soiled Bedding Reduces Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors in Mice.},
      journal = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience},
      year = {2022},
      volume = {16},
      pages = {1062864},
      issn = {1662-5153},
      doi = {10.3389/fnbeh.2022.1062864},
      keywords = {abnormal repetitive behaviors;bar mouthing;barbering;sentinel mice;soiled bedding}
  • Leeb F., Sharma U., Yeghiazaryan L., Moll H.A., Greber-Platzer S.
    Improving the Safety of the Manchester Triage System for Children with Congenital Heart Disease.
    European Journal of Pediatrics 181(11), 3831–3838, (2022) [bib]
      author = {Leeb, F.~ and Sharma, U.~ and Yeghiazaryan, L.~ and Moll, H.A.~ and Greber-Platzer, S.~},
      title = {Improving the Safety of the Manchester Triage System for Children with Congenital Heart Disease.},
      journal = {European Journal of Pediatrics},
      year = {2022},
      volume = {181},
      number = {11},
      pages = {3831--3838},
      issn = {1432-1076 0340-6199},
      doi = {10.1007/s00431-022-04594-6},
      keywords = {Safety;Children with congenital heart disease;Emergency medicine;Manchester triage system;Modification}
  • Karonitsch T., Yeghiazaryan L., Lackner A., Brezinsek H.P., Stamm T.A., König F., Aletaha D., Smolen J.S.
    Targeting Type I Interferon (IFN) Signalling in Patients with RA with a High Type I IFN Gene Signature.
    RMD Open 8(2):e002525, (2022) [bib]
      author = {Karonitsch, T.~ and Yeghiazaryan, L.~ and Lackner, A.~ and Brezinsek, H.P.~ and Stamm, T.A.~ and K{\"o}nig, F.~ and Aletaha, D.~ and Smolen, J.S.~},
      title = {Targeting Type I Interferon (IFN) Signalling in Patients with RA with a High Type I IFN Gene Signature.},
      journal = {RMD Open},
      year = {2022},
      volume = {8},
      number = {2},
      pages = {e002525},
      issn = {2056-5933},
      doi = {10.1136/rmdopen-2022-002525},
      keywords = {Therapeutics;Arthritis;Rheumatoid;Biological Therapy}
  • Bergmann F., Matzneller P., Weber M., Yeghiazaryan L., Fuereder T., Weber T., Zeitlinger M.
    Perception of Clinical Research among Patients and Healthy Volunteers of Clinical Trials.
    European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 78(10), 1647–1655, (2022) [bib]
      author = {Bergmann, F.~ and Matzneller, P.~ and Weber, M.~ and Yeghiazaryan, L.~ and Fuereder, T.~ and Weber, T.~ and Zeitlinger, M.~},
      title = {Perception of Clinical Research among Patients and Healthy Volunteers of Clinical Trials.},
      journal = {European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology},
      year = {2022},
      volume = {78},
      number = {10},
      pages = {1647--1655},
      issn = {1432-1041 0031-6970},
      doi = {10.1007/s00228-022-03366-3},
      keywords = {Clinical research;Treating physicians;Volunteers}
  • Huerga H., Khan U., Bastard M., Mitnick C.D., Lachenal N., Khan P.Y., Seung K.J., Melikyan N., Ahmed S., Rich M.L., Varaine F., Osso E., Rashitov M., Salahuddin N., Salia G., Sanchez E., Serobyan A., Siddiqui M.R., Tefera D.G., Vetushko D., Yeghiazaryan L., Holtzman D., Islam S., Kumsa A., Leblanc G.J., Leonovich O., Mamsa S., Manzur-Ul-Alam M., Myint Z., Padayachee S., Franke M.F., Hewison C.
    Safety and Effectiveness Outcomes from a 14-Country Cohort of Patients with Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Treated Concomitantly with Bedaquiline, Delamanid and Other Second-Line Drugs.
    Clinical Infectious Diseases 75(8), 1307–1314, (2022) [bib]
      author = {Huerga, H.~ and Khan, U.~ and Bastard, M.~ and Mitnick, C.D.~ and Lachenal, N.~ and Khan, P.Y.~ and Seung, K.J.~ and Melikyan, N.~ and Ahmed, S.~ and Rich, M.L.~ and Varaine, F.~ and Osso, E.~ and Rashitov, M.~ and Salahuddin, N.~ and Salia, G.~ and Sanchez, E.~ and Serobyan, A.~ and Siddiqui, M.R.~ and Tefera, D.G.~ and Vetushko, D.~ and Yeghiazaryan, L.~ and Holtzman, D.~ and Islam, S.~ and Kumsa, A.~ and Leblanc, G.J.~ and Leonovich, O.~ and Mamsa, S.~ and Manzur-Ul-Alam, M.~ and Myint, Z.~ and Padayachee, S.~ and Franke, M.F.~ and Hewison, C.~},
      title = {Safety and Effectiveness Outcomes from a 14-Country Cohort of Patients with Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Treated Concomitantly with Bedaquiline, Delamanid and Other Second-Line Drugs.},
      journal = {Clinical Infectious Diseases},
      year = {2022},
      volume = {75},
      number = {8},
      pages = {1307--1314},
      issn = {1537-6591},
      doi = {10.1093/cid/ciac176}