This software, developed at the Institute of Medical Statistics, provides functions for data generation, analysis, visualisation and execution of simulation studies. The implemented analysis methods are described in:
Bofill Roig M., Krotka P., Burman C.-F., Glimm E., Gold S.M., Hees K., Jacko P., Koenig F., Magirr D., Mesenbrink P., Viele K., Posch M. (2022) On Model-Based Time Trend Adjustments in Platform Trials with Non-Concurrent Controls. BMC Medical Research Methodology 22:228.
Saville B.R., Berry D.A., Berry N.S., Viele K., Berry S.M. (2022) The Bayesian Time Machine: Accounting for temporal drift in multi-arm platform trials. Clinical Trials 19(5), 490–501.
Schmidli H., Gsteiger S., Roychoudhury S., O’Hagan A., Spiegelhalter D., Neuenschwander B. (2014) Robust meta-analytic-predictive priors in clinical trials with historical control information. Biometrics 70(4), 1023–1032.
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